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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tumis Pak Choy & Tahu (Stir-Fry Bok Choy & Tofu)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 500 gr Pak choy, 1 Tahu, 1 Tomat-potong, Garam
  • 2 Bawang putih-cincang, 2 Cabai merah-iris, Lada
  • ½ sm Kecap ikan, ½ sm Saus tiram, 1 Daun salam
  • 150 ml Kaldu ayam/Air, 2 st Maizena+1 sm Air
  • 1 sm Saus soya, 1-2 sm Tauco asin (opsional)
  • 2 sm Minyak+1 sm Mentega, 1 st Gula

Cara membuat
  • Persiapan: Tahu dipotong dadu lalu goreng hingga kekuningan. Cuci, potong2 pak choy, pisahkan batang dengan daunnya. Campur rata kecap ikan, saus tiram, saus soya, gula. Sisihkan semua.
  • Tumis bawang putih, cabai & salam dengan minyak+mentega di atas api sedang. Masukkan campuran saus & tauco, aduk rata. Tuangi kaldu/air, masak hingga mendidih. Masukkan batang pak choy & tahu goreng. Masak hingga batang empuk tetapi masih renyah. Masukkan daun pak choy & tomat, bumbui dengan lada & garam secukupnya. Tuangi larutan maizena, aduk & masak hingga saus mengental.

  • 500 gr Bok choy, 1 Tofu, 1 Tomato-sliced, 1 Bay leaf
  • 2 Garlic cloves-minced, 150 ml Chicken broth/Water
  • ½ tbsp Fish sauce, ½ tbsp Oyster sauce, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 2 tsp Corn starch+1 tbsp Water, 1 tbsp Soy sauce
  • 2 Red chilies-sliced, 2 tbsp Oil+1 tbsp Butter, Salt
  • 1-2 tbsp Fermented soy beans (optional), Pepper

  • Preparation: Dice tofu & then fry them until golden brown. Rinse & slice bok choy. Separate the bok choy stems from leaves. Combine sugar with all sauces to dissolve. Set all aside.
  • Sauté minced garlic, chilies & bay leaf with oil & butter over medium heat. Stir in the sauce mixture & fermented soy beans. Pour in broth/water & bring it to a boil. Put in bok choy stems & tofu; cook until the stems soften but still crisp. Add in bok choy leaves & tomato. Season with enough salt & pepper. Pour in corn starch mixture; cook & stir until the broth thickens.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fillet Ikan Panggang Saus Mentega (Fish Fillet in Ginger & Garlic Butter)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 300 gram (2) fillet Kakap merah/Halibut, Garam
  • 2 st Kulit jeruk nipis parut, 4 st Air jeruk nipis
  • ½ st Cabai/Paprika bubuk, sejumput Lada bubuk
  • 1 st Peterseli cincang, 1 Bawang putih-cincang
  • 6 gr Jahe-parut60 gr Mentega

Cara membuat
  • Panaskan oven 175° C. Cuci ikan dng air dingin kmd keringkan dng lap kertas. Kerat2 dangkal daging ikan pada sisi tertebalnya. Lumuri dng sedikit garam & 2 st air jrk nipis. Diamkan 2-3 mnt.
  • Sementara itu, panaskan mentega di pan dng api kecil hingga leleh. Mskkan bawang putih, jahe, lada, kulit jeruk npis, cabai/paprika bbk & garam secukupnya. Masak hingga rasa menyatu. Angkat dari api. Ulasi kedua sisi fillet dng campuran mentega secukupnya secara rata. Sisihkan selama ± 5 menit.
  • Ulasi sebuah pan panggang dng mentega/cooking spray. Letakkan ikan di dalam pan tsb kmd tuang sisa campuran mentega di atasnya. Panggang selama 12-15 mnt (tergantung besar fillet), sampai ikan tak translusen lagi & daging berserpih saat ditarik dng garpu.
  • Keluarkan dari oven, kucuri dng sisa air jeruk nipis & taburi dng peterseli cincang.

  • 300 gram (2) Red snapper/Halibut fillets
  • 2 tsp Lime zest, 1 Garlic clove-minced
  • 6 gr Ginger-grated, 4 tsp Lime juice
  • 60 gr Butter, 1 tsp chopped Parsley
  • ½ tsp Chili/Paprika powder, enough Salt
  • dash of Pepper

  • Preheat the oven to 175° C/350° F. Rinse fish fillets under cool water & then pet dries with paper towels. Make shallow slashes in the thickest part of the flesh. Rub them with some salt & 2 tsp of lime juice; let it stand for 2-3 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, heat butter in a saucepan over low heat until melted. Stir in garlic, ginger, pepper, lime zest, chili/paprika pwd & enough salt; cook until the flavor blended. Remove from the heat. Brush both sides of the fillets with some butter mixture evenly; let it sit for ~ 5 minutes.
  • Grease a baking dish with some butter/cooking spray. Place fillets in the baking dish & then pour the rest of butter mixture on top. Bake for 12-15 minutes (depends on the size of the fillets), until the fish flakes when pulled apart with a fork & is no longer translucent.
  • Remove the fish from the oven; drizzle the rest of lime juice & topped with chopped parsley.

Dada Kalkun Masak Saus Cream (Pan-Seared Turkey Cutlets in Cream Sauce)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 750 gr fillet Dada kalkun, 2 sm Terigu30 gr Mentega
  • 85 gr Bawang bombay-cincang, 10 Tomat cherry-belah
  • 150 ml Susu100 ml Kaldu bebek**, 2 sm Mixed herbs
  • 8 sm Lemak bebek+ekstra*, 3 Cabai keriting-iris
  • 1 sm Saus soya pekat/Kecap asin
Campuran bumbu kering:
  • ½ st Thyme, ½ st Sage bubuk/Rosemary½ st Marjoram
  • 2 st Garam, ½ st Cabai bubuk, 1 st Lada hitam bubuk
  • 1 st Bawang putih bubuk, ½ st Paprika bubuk

Cara membuat
  • Iris daging dada menjadi 7-8 potongan lebar dng menggunakan pisau panjang. Lapisi kedua sisi daging dng plastik kmd pukul2 perlahan daging tsb hingga mencapai ketebalan ± 1½ cm. Lumuri daging cukup banyak dng campuran bumbu kering. Simpan 2 st campuran bumbu kering tsb utk membuat saus creamy. Simpan daging tertutup di kulkas selama minimal 1 jam.
  • Panaskan lemak bebek di pan besar anti lengket dng api sedang. Ltkkan daging di pan. Masak hingga kuning kecoklatan. Balik daging & masak juga sisi tsb (2-3 mnt/sisi). Tambahkan 1-2 sm lemak/mentega lagi bila perlu. Angkat daging dari pan & sisihkan.
  • Panaskan mentega di pan yg sama. Mskkan bombay, masak hingga melunak. Beri cabai & 2 st campuran bumbu kering, aduk sampai harum & cabai layu. Taburi dng terigu, aduk 2-3 mnt. Perlahan2 tuang 3 sm susu, aduk hingga rata. Tuang sisa susu, kaldu bebek & kecap asin/saus soya pekat. Aduk terus hingga saus mulai mengental. Beri tomat cherry & mskkan kembali daging ke pan. Sendok saus ke atas daging utk melapisinya kmd taburi dng mixed herbs. Masak selama 1-2 mnt hingga saus mengenal. Sajikan kalkun dng pasta halus (misalnya capellini/spaghettini), puree kentang, Kentang OngklokHash Brown Dadu Masak Lemak Bebek, Roasted Potato Slices with Bacon atau Roasted Herb Potatoes (klik pada link untuk melihat resep2nya).
  • * Dapat diganti dng minyak canola/minyak jagung. ** Dapat diganti dng kaldu ayam

  • 750 gr Turkey breast fillet30 gr Butter, 2 tbsp Flour
  • 2 tbsp Mixed herbs, 100 ml Duck stock**150 ml Milk
  • 8 tbsp Duck fat+extra*, 10 Cherry tomatoes-halved
  • 85 gr Onion-chopped, 1 tbsp Dark soy sauce
  • 3 Cayenne peppers-sliced (optional)
Dry spices mix:
  • 2 tsp Salt, ½ tsp Chili flakes, ½ tsp Paprika powder
  • ½ tsp dried Marjoram, ½ tsp Rubbed Sage/Rosemary
  • 1 tsp ground Black pepper1 tsp Garlic powder
  • ½ tsp dried Thyme

  • Using a long knife, slice the turkey breast into 7-8 wide cutlets. Cover them with plastic wrap & lightly pound the turkey cutlets until ~ 1½ cm thick. Season the turkey with generous amount of dry spices mix. Cover & let them sit for min. 1 hour in the fridge. Save 2 tsp of dry spices for making the creamy sauce.
  • Heat the duck fat in a large non-stick pan over medium heat. Carefully place the cutlets in the pan. Cook them until they become opaque & golden brown. Flip the cutlets & cook the other side as well (2-3 minutes/side). Add 1-2 tbsp of fat/butter when needed. Remove the cutlets from the pan; set it aside.
  • Using the same pan, heat the butter. Put in the onion; cook until the onion soften. Stir in chilies & 2 tsp of dry spices mixture until it fragrant & the chilies wilt. Sprinkle in the flour; stir for 2-3 minutes. Slowly stir in 3 tbsp of milk; whisk constantly to combine. Pour in remaining milk, stock & soy sauce. Stir constantly until the sauce starts to thicken. Add in cherry tomatoes & put cutlets back into the pan. Cover the cutlets with sauce; then sprinkle the mixed herbs. Cook for 1-2 min until the sauce thickens. Serve the cutlets with thin pasta (such as capellini or spaghettini), mashed potatoes, Steamed potatoes with Garlic Butter, Duck Fat Diced Hash Brown, Roasted Potato Slices with Bacon or Roasted Herb Potatoes (click on the links for the recipe).
  • * Can be substitute with canola/corn oil. ** Can be substitute with chicken stock.

Hash Brown Dadu Masak Lemak Bebek (Duck Fat Diced Hash Brown)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 750 gr Kentang-potong dadu ukuran 1¼ cm, 5 sm Lemak bebek
  • 85 gr Bawang bombay-cincang, Garam dapur, Lada hitam-gerus
  • 2 ranting Thyme, 2 sm Daun lokio cincang



  • Panaskan lemak bebek di wajan besar anti lengket berdasar tebal di atas api sedang-besar sampai meleleh.
  • Masukkan kentang dengan menyebarnya secara rata di pan. Aduk hingga terlapis lemak semua. Masak beberapa menit tanpa diaduk sampai dasar kentang terlihat kuning kecokelatan (± 5 menit). Aduk kentang beberapa kali, tekan perlahan ke dasar wajan dengan spatula agar berwarna lebih cokelat.
  • Beri garam, lada & daun thyme, lalu aduk rata. Goyang2kan wajan agar kentang tersebar lalu tekan2 perlahan lagi agar warna lebih merata.
  • Kecilkan api ke sedang, masukkan bawang bombay, masak hingga lunak & transparan. Terus masak & balik2 sampai semua sisi kentang kuning kecokelatan. Setelah kentang matang sempurna (12-15 menit), cicipi & sesuaikan bumbu dengan selera anda. Angkat dari wajan lalu taburi dengan daun lokio cincang.



  • 750 gr Russet potatoes-½ inch diced, 5 tbsp Duck fat
  • 85 gr Onion-chopped, Black pepper-cracked, Kosher salt
  • 2 sprigs Thyme, 2 tbsp chopped Chives



  • Heat the duck fat in a large heavy bottom non-stick skillet over medium-high heat until the fat melted.
  • After the butter is melted, add in the potatoes & spread it evenly in the skillet. Toss the potatoes to coat with duck fat. Fry for a few minutes without stirring until the potatoes are golden brown on the bottom (~ 5 minutes). Stir potatoes few times & press down gently with a spatula to the bottom of the pan to get more colour.
  • After the bottoms are brown, put in salt, pepper & thyme. Toss potatoes several more times to combine it well. Shake the skillet to spread the potatoes evenly. Press them down again to allow for maximum browning.
  • Reduce the heat to medium; Add in the onion; cook until they are translucent & soften. Continue to fry & stirring them occasionally until all sides are golden brown. When the potatoes are cooked through (12-15 minutes), taste for seasoning & adjust. Remove from the pan to a serving plate and then sprinkle with chopped chives.

Bebek Panggang Utuh (Roasted Whole Duck)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 2-2¼ kg Bebek utuh, 1 Bawang bombay-belah 4
  • 2 bilah Seledri batang & 2 Wortel-potong besar
  • 2,8 lt Kaldu ayam, 2 Bawang merah-belah
  • 1 Daun salam, 1 batang Thyme (opsional)
  • 2 iris Kulit orange, 3 sm Garam dapur
Bumbu kering: Campur semua bahan
  • 1 st Paprika manis bubuk, ½ st Cabai bubuk
  • 1 st Lada hitam bubuk, 1 st Bumbu ngohiong
  • 1 st Jahe bubuk, 2½ st Garam
Glazur: Campur semua bahan
  • 2 sm Madu, ¼ st Jahe bubuk, 1 st Saus sambal
  • ¼ st Bumbu ngohiong, 1 sm Saus soya pekat
  • sejumput Bawang putih bubuk & Pala bubuk
  • 10 ml Angciu/Dry sherry (opsional)

Cara membuat
  • Keluarkan jerohan bebek. Potong ujung sayap & kelebihan kulit serta lemak yg menggantung di sekitar leher & lubang perutnya. Iris2 kulit & lemak tsb kecil2, sisihkan. Cabut sisa2 bulu jika ada. Lumuri bagian luar & dalam bebek dng 2 sm garam. Bilas bebek termasuk di dalam lubangnya sampai bersih kmd dilap hingga kering. Prosedur ini akan menghilangkan bau bebek. Tusuk2 kulit bebek disemua bagian dng garpu tajam. Hal ini akan membuat lemak mengalir keluar saat bebek dimasak. Silangkan kedua kakinya kmd ikat. Lipat sayap ke bagian bawah badan bebek.
  • Sementara itu, didihkan kaldu ayam & 1 sm garam dapur di dlm panci besar. Masukkan seledri batang, baw.bombay, wortel, irisan kecil kulit+lemak & bebek. Bebek hrs terrendam, bila kaldu tidak cukup utk merendamnya, boleh ditambahi dng air panas. Didihkan kaldu, kecilkan api & masak bebek selama 30 mnt. Matikan api, tapi biarkan bebek tetap di dlm kaldu utk 15 mnt lagi. Angkat bebek dari kaldu, posisikan secara vertikal di atas panci agar sisa cairan dari dlm perut dapat mengalir keluar. Keringkan kulit bebek dng lap kertas kmd lumuri bebek menyeluruh dng cukup banyak campuran bumbu kering. Bumbui juga bagian dlm dari lubang bebek dng bumbu kering. Karena kaki bebek sdh diikat, caranya adalah dng menuangkan bumbu kering ke dlm lubang tsb. Kemudian gunakan kuas utk meratakannya di bagian dalam. Isi bagian dalam bebek dng irisan kulit jeruk, bawang merah, daun salam & thyme. Minyaki rak panggang agar bebek tidak lengket saat dipanggang. Letakkan rak panggang di dalam loyang kmd letakkan bebek di atas rak panggang dng sisi dada menghadap ke atas. Biarkan selama 20 menit.
  • Sementara itu, panaskan oven 250° C, nyalakan api atas & bawah. Ltkkan rak oven di posisi terbawah. Tuang 1½ cup air ke dalam loyang. Lemak bebek akan jatuh menetes ke dlm loyang selama memanggang. Hal ini akan mencegah oven berasap terlalu banyak. Panggang bebek selama 10 mnt. Balik posisi bebek; panggang lagi 10 mnt. Kecilkan suhu ke 200° C. Ulasi bebek dng glazur kmd panggang selama ± 10 mnt. Balik posisi bebek, panggang lagi ± 5 mnt. Keluarkan dari oven & bungkus dng aluminum foil. Diamkan selama 20 mnt. Buka ikatan pada kaki. Buang bahan2 isi dari dlm lubang bebek. Ulasi tipis2 lagi dng glazur seblm dihidangkan. Hidangkan bebek selagi hangat dng mie/nasi dng Tumis Pak Choy & Tahu atau Honey Glazed Carrot & Hash Brown Dadu Masak Lemak Bebek (klik pada link untuk melihat resep2nya).
  • * Note: Angkat lemak bebek dari bagian atas kaldu rebusan. Simpan lemak ini utk digunakan lain kali. Lemak bebek akan tahan bbrp bulan di dlm kulkas. Buang sayuran, irisan kulit & lemak dari dlm kaldu kmd simpan kaldu tsb utk membuat sup dilain waktu.

  • 2-2¼ kg Whole duck2 Celery ribs & 2 Carrots-sliced
  • 1 Bay leaf2,8 ltr Chicken broth, 3 tbsp Kosher salt
  • 1 Onion-quartered, 1 sprig of Thyme (optional)
  • 2 strips Orange zest, 2 Shallots-halved
Dry spices mixture: Combine all ingredients
  • 1 tsp sweet Paprika, ½ tsp Chili powder2½ tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp ground Black pepper1 tsp 5-spice powder
  • 1 tsp Ginger powder
Glaze: Combine all ingredients
  • ¼ tsp 5-spice powder, 2 tbsp Honey, 1 tsp Chili sauce
  • 1 tbsp Dark soy sauce, ¼ tsp Ginger powder
  • Pinch of Garlic powder & ground Nutmeg
  • 10 ml Chinese rice wine/Dry sherry

  • Remove the duck innards. Cut off wing tips & trim off any excess skin or fat hanging loosely at the neck or tail ends. Slice the skin & fat into smaller pieces & then set it aside. If you see any quills poking out of the duck’s skin, pull them out. Rub the duck (inside & outside) with 2 tbsp salt. Rinse the duck well, including the cavity & then patting it dries with a paper towels. This procedure will get rid the duck of any foul smell. Prick the skin all over without piercing the meat with a sharp fork. This will allow the fat to drain off while the ducks cook. Cross the duck legs & tie them together. Tuck the wings under the body.
  • Meanwhile, in a very large pot, heat chicken broth with 1 tablespoon of kosher salt until it boils. Put in celery stalks, onion, carrots, sliced fat+skin & the duck. Keep the duck immersed; if the stock is not enough to cover it, add some hot water. Bring the stock to a boil. Lower the heat; simmer the duck for 30 minutes. Turn off the heat & let the duck rest in the stock for 15 minutes. Take the duck out of the stock, hold it vertically over the pot to drain the remaining liquid from duck`s cavity. Pat dry the skin with paper towels & then rubs the duck all over with a generous amount of dry spices mixture. Season also the inside part of duck`s cavity with dry spices. Since the duck legs are tied up, pour the dry spices into the cavity & use a brush to spread it evenly. Then stuff the cavity with orange zest, shallots, thyme & bay leaves. Grease a wire rack to keep the duck from sticking when it roasts. Put the wire rack into a roasting dish & then place the duck on the wire rack, breast side up. Let it stand for 20 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, preheat oven to 250° C over top & bottom heat. Place the oven rack on the lowest side of the oven. Pour 1½ cup of water into the roasting dish. Duck`s fat will drop off into the water during roasting, this will prevent your oven to smoke too much. Roast the duck for 10 minutes. Turn the duck over; roast for another 10 minutes. Reduce the temp to 200° C. Brush the duck with some of the glaze, roast for ~ 10 minutes. Turn the duck over; roast for ~  5 minutes. Remove the duck from the oven & cover it with aluminium foil; allow it to rest for 20 minutes. Snip off the string around the legs & remove. Discard the ingredients inside of the cavity. Slightly bush the skin with glaze before serving. Serve the duck with steamed rice/noodles & Stir-Fry Bok Choy & Tofu or Honey Glazed Carrot & Duck Fat Diced Hash Brown.
  • * Note: Skim off duck fat from the top of the stock. Save this duck fat for other use. Duck fat keeps for months in the fridge. Use it much in the same way you would use rendered bacon fat. Discard the vegetables, sliced skin & fat from the stock & then save the stock for making soup next time.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Kari Hijau Udang Thailand (Thai Shrimp Green Curry)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 800 gr Udang *, 400 ml Santan kental, 1 Wortel-iris
  • 100 ml Kaldu ayam, 2 sm Kecap ikan, ½ jeruk Nipis
  • 200 gr Terong hijau bulat/Terong ungu, 5 Daun jeruk
  • 5 Tomat cherry-belah, 20 lembar Daun kemangi
  • 1½ st Gula merah sisir2 st Minyak kelapa (opsional)
  • 2 cm Lengkuas & 1 Sereh-geprek, Air, Garam
  • 1 st Kunyit tumbuk halus2 Cabai merah-iris
  • 5-6 sm Bumbu kari hijau Thai **

Cara membuat
  • Kupas kulit udang tetapi biarkan bagian ekornya. Belah punggung udang kmd buang urat hitamnya. Lumuri udang dng air nipis, biarkan 2-3 menit kmd cuci bersih. Sisihkan.
  • Potong2 terong kemudian rendam di air bergaram sampai siap digunakan utk mencegah oksidasi.
  • Bila menggunakan santan kaleng, simpan kaleng di kulkas selama 1-2 jam. Buka kaleng, ambil bagian yg solid/kentalnya saja utk memasak bumbu kari hijau. Simpan sisa air kelapa/santan. Buang tulang daun jeruk kmd iris2 halus. Sisihkan.
  • Panaskan bagian solid dari santan di wajan dng api sedang-besar sampai keluar minyak & terpisah. Bila menggunakan santan kaleng & minyak tak mau terbentuk/terpisah juga, beri sedikit minyak kelapa ke dlm santan panas tsb.
  • Kecilkan api ke sedang, mskkan bumbu kari hijau, aduk terus ± 3-4 min hingga harum. Mskkan dn. jeruk, lengkuas, sereh, kunyit, cabai merah, kaldu, sisa santan/air kelapa & terong. Didihkan & masak sambil sesekali diaduk sampai terong mengempuk. Bumbui dng garam secukupnya, kecap ikan & gula merah. Kari hrs terasa asin dng sedikit rasa manis. Mskkan wortel, tomat & cabai, masak hingga sayuran matang.
  • Mskkan udang, masak hingga udang matang (2-3 mnt). Matikan api kmd mskkan daun kemangi, aduk hingga layu. Sajikan kari hijau udang dng nasi hangat.
  • * Dapat juga digunakan daging ikan putih utk resep ini. Potong2 daging ikan setebal 4 cm.
  • ** Click pada link untuk melihat resep cara membuat Bumbu Kari Hijau Thailand.

  • 800 gr Shrimp*, 400 ml thick Coconut milk½ of Lime
  • 100 ml Chicken stock, 2 tbsp Fish sauce1 Carrot-sliced
  • 200 gr purple/round green Eggplant, 20 Thai basil leaves
  • 2 Red chilies & 5 Cherry tomatoes-sliced, Water, Salt
  • 1½ tsp shaved Palm sugar, 1 tsp ground fresh Turmeric
  • 5 Kaffir lime leaves5-6 tbsp Thai Green Curry Paste**
  • 2 cm Galangal & 1 Lemongrass-bruised
  • 2 tsp Coconut oil (optional)

  • Peel the shrimps shell off but leave the tails intact. Make a slit lengthwise all the way down the back of each prawn & remove the veins. Rub them with lime juice; let it stand for 2-3 minutes & then wash them. Set aside.
  • Cut the eggplants. Soak them in salted water until you`re ready to use them to prevent oxidation.
  • If you`re using caned coconut milk, set can in the fridge for 1-2 hours before using it. Open up the can; scoop out the thicken/solid coconut cream part to cook the curry paste with later on. Save the left over coconut water/milk. Discard the lime leaves stem; then slice them thinly; set aside.
  • Warm up the coconut cream in a wok/deep pan over medium-high heat until the oil from the coconut milk separated out & a thin film formed. If you`re using a caned coconut milk & the oil from coconut milk won`t formed (separated out), add a bit of coconut oil into the coconut milk.
  • Reduce the heat to medium; add in the green curry paste & stir continuously for 3-4 min until it fragrant. Put in kaffir lime leaves, galangal, lemongrass, turmeric, red chilies, remaining coconut milk/water, stock & eggplant. Bring it to a simmer; stir occasionally. Cook until the eggplant softened. Season with enough salt, fish sauce & sugar. The curry should taste salty with just a hint of sweetness. Stir in the carrot, tomatoes & chilies until the vegetables cooked.
  • Put in the shrimps; cook just until they are opaque throughout (2-3 minutes). Turn off the heat & stir in the basil leaves until wilted. Serve the shrimp green curry with warm steamed rice.
  • * You can also use white fish fillet with this recipe. Cut the fish about 1½ inch thick.
  • ** Click on the link to see the recipe on how to make Homemade Thai Green Curry Paste

Bumbu Kari Hijau Thailand (Homemade Thai Green Curry Paste-Kaeng Khiao Wan)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 5 Rawit hijau & 100 gr Cabai hijau-buang biji bila tdk mau terlalu pedas, kmd cincang
  • 3 Sereh-kupas kulit terluar kmd iris2 bagian putihnya yang ± 5 cm dari pangkal sereh
  • 10 gr Lengkuas-cincang, 20 gr/6 Bawang putih-cincang, 65 gr/8 Bawang merah-iris
  • 2 st parutan/irisan Kulit jeruk limo/purut (1 st parutan kulit Jeruk nipis+½ st Daun jeruk cincang)-ambil bagian hijaunya saja dari kulit tsb, buang putihnya krn pahit
  • 2 st cincangan Akar ketumbar (dpt diganti dng bag terbawah dari batang dn ketumbar)
  • 1 st Terasi bakar, ½ st Lada putih sangrai, 1½ st Ketumbar sangrai, 1½ st Jintan sangrai
  • 2 st Garam, 1-2 sm Minyak kelapa/Air-bila anda menggilingnya dengan blender/food processor
  • ½ mangkuk Daun kemangi/Daun Cabai (opsional), Minyak kelapa-bila akan disimpan

Cara membuat
  • Ada 2 cara untuk menghaluskan bahan bumbu2 kari hijau Thailand ini. Cara pertama dengan menggunakan food processor/blender & cara kedua dng menggunakan cobek & ulekan.
  •  Dengan Food processor/Blender: Masukkan semua bahan ke dlm food processor/blender, beri 1-2 sm air/minyak kelapa untuk membantu mesin bekerja lebih baik. Proses/blender bahan2 tsb hingga sehalus pasta. Istirahatkan mesin setiap 2 mnt utk mencegah mesin terlalu panas.
  •  Dengan ulekan: Ulek/giling kasar cabai cincang, sisihkan. Ulek jintan, ketumbar & lada putih sangrai sampai menjadi bubuk. Beri sereh, lengkuas & 1 st garam, ulek hingga berbentuk serat kasar. Mskkan bawang pth, dn jeruk (kulit jrk nipis+irisan daun jeruk), terasi & akar ketumbar. Ulek sampai agak halus. Tambahkan 1 st garam, cabai giling kasar & bawang merah. Ulek sampai bumbu benar2 halus.
  • Bumbu kari ini dapat disimpan di kulkas selama 2 minggu. Sebelum bumbu disimpan di kulkas, sterilkan terlebih dahulu botol serta tutupnya & masak bumbu tsb sebentar dng minyak kelapa. Panaskan minyak kelapa di pan dng api sedang. Mskkan bumbu kari, masak hingga harum & matang. Matikan api & sisihkan. Masak botol & tutupnya di air mendidih selama 10 mnt kmd keringkan. Isi botol dng bumbu kari, tutup & rapatkan. Panaskan hingga terendam di air panas selama 10 mnt.
  • Bila anda menginginkan curry berwarna lebih hijau, anda dpt menambahkan ekstrak dari daun cabai/kemangi. Haluskan daun2 tsb dng sedikit air kmd saring dng saringan halus, tampung ekstraknya di mangkuk. Buang ampas daunnya. Mskkan ekstrak ini ke dlm kari persis sebelum api dimatikan.
  • Akan dihasilkan bumbu kari hijau sebanyak ± 225 gr
Catatan: Terdapat juga beberapa bahan yang dapat anda tambahkan didlm membuat bumbu kari hijau untuk hidangan2 tertentu, misalnya:
  • Bila anda ingin membuat bumbu kari hijau khusus utk hidangan dari sapi: dpt ditambahkan ½ st ketumbar, ½ st jintan, sejumput pala & kayu manis di dalam pembuatan bumbu karinya.
  • Bila anda ingin membuat bumbu kari hijau khusus utk hidangan dari ikan/seafood lainnya: dpt ditambahkan 1 sereh, 1 st kunyit giling, sedikit bawang putih & lengkuas di dalam pembuatan bumbu karinya.
  • Atau anda jg dpt membuat bumbu kari hijau biasa, kmd menambahkan bahan2 spt yg tercantum di atas pada saat proses memasak hidangan2 kari hijau dari sapi maupun seafood.
Lihat juga resep hidangan kari hijau Thailand: (click pada link di bawah)

  • 5 Green bird`s eye chilies & 100 gr Green chilies-seeds discarded for a milder curry; chopped
  • 3 Lemongrass-peel off the hard outer leaves & then small sliced the lower 2 inches part
  • 10 gr Galangal-chopped, 20 gr/6 Cloves garlic-chopped, 65 gr/8 small Shallots-sliced
  • 2 tsp grated/thinly sliced Kaffir lime zest (1 tsp Lime zest+½ tsp chopped Kaffir lime leaves)-take only the green part of the lime rind, discard the white, it`s bitter
  • 2 tsp chopped Coriander roots (can be substitute with the lowest part of the coriander stems)
  • ½ tsp toasted White peppercorns, 1½ tsp toasted Coriander seeds, 1½ tsp toasted Cumin
  • 1 tsp toasted Shrimp paste (can be substitute with dried shrimps if it`s not possible)
  • 2 tsp Salt, 1-2 tbsp Coconut oil/Water-if you`re going to use food processor/blender
  • ½ cup Thai Basil/Chili leaves (optional), Coconut oil-if you want to store the curry in the fridge

  • The are 2 method to make a paste out of this Thai green curry ingredients. The 1st method is using a food processor/blender & the 2nd method is using mortar & pestle.
  • With a Food processor/Blender: Place all curry ingredients in a food processor/blender, add in 1-2 tbsp of coconut oil/water to help the machine works better. Process/Puree the spices until they are smooth. Let the machine rest every 2 minutes to prevent overheating.
  • With mortar and pestle: Grind the chopped chilies coarsely; set aside. Grind toasted cumin, coriander & peppercorn into powder. Add in lemongrass, galangal & 1 tsp. of salt; grind them into rough fibers. Put in garlic, kaffir lime zest (lime zest+kaffir lime leaves), shrimp paste & coriander roots/stems. Grind until the paste is fairly smooth. Add in 1 tsp salt, coarsely ground chilies & shallots; grind until a smooth paste formed.
  • You can keep the curry paste up to 2 weeks in the fridge. But before you store it in the fridge, you should first cook the paste lightly with coconut oil & also sterilized the jar. Heat some coconut oil in the pan over medium heat. Stir in the curry paste until it`s cooked & fragrant. Turn off the heat & set aside. Put the jar & its lid in boiling water for 10 minutes. Dry the jar & lid thoroughly. Fill the jar with curry paste & seal it. Process with another hot water bath for another 10 minutes.
  • If you want to make the curry looks greener, you can add the extract from Chili/Thai basil leaves. Puree the chili/basil leaves with some water; then pour the extract through a fine strainer into a bowl. Discard the leaves. Add the leaves extract into the curry right before you turn off the heat.
  • You will get ~ 225 gr green curry paste.
Note: There are some ingredients that you can also add in order to make green curry paste for certain dishes, such as:
  • If you want to make green curry paste especially for a beef green curry dishes, you can add ½ tsp of each coriander seed & cumin, also a pinch of nutmeg & cinnamon into the curry paste.
  • If you want to make green curry paste especially for a fish/other seafood green curry dishes, you can add 1 lemongrass, 1 tsp of ground fresh turmeric, slightly more garlic & galangal into the curry paste
  • Or you can just make the normal green curry paste & adding the ingredients stated above later on when you cook the beef or fish/seafood green curry dish.
See also recipe of Thailand red curry dishes: (click on the link below)

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